Friday, February 28, 2014

Being active

It has been 5 years since i was in my accident.  Ever since I always am reminded of it in the winter when my left hip and knee tighten up because of the accident.  It has also been a very long time since I was able to do anything really physical because I was so obese.  Sometimes you just want to pretend it or just brush it under the table but I can remember basically since I graduated high school always lying about my weight.  When I was 270, I told people I weighed 220.  When I weighed 300, I told people I weighed 250.  You get the point.  Anyways.  When you are at your worst, you always sometimes believe your lies and denials of how bad off you are.  When I was in High School I loved to run when i was playing my two sports.  I thoroughly enjoyed being a husky guy that could run 9 miles or what ever else I did.  I remember as a kid and teenager, watching my dad train for marathons.  he an a lot with his buddies.  His best friend, Jeff, was one of him.  He died about ten years ago from Colon cancer.  I remember the last year he was alive, we ran a marathon relay.  I ran the middle part. It was 4.7 miles.  I remember as a kid, running the a race every year in Huntington Woods.  They had a ton of races.  They usually did a 2 mile, 3 mile, and a 4 mile race on consecutive weekends.  I always ran the one mile in a Halloween costume while my dad ran the longer ones.  I never really could do all the running my dad did.  Mostly because I was playing spots and then college happened and then getting fat happened.

I really missed running.  I enjoyed running.  It was calming.  Listening to relaxing music and figuring out life's hardest parts.  I remember trying to run in the past few years.  it was tough.  I couldn't really do it.  My legs would give way, my calves would cramp, I could barely breathe.  It was embarrassing.  I can't believe I got myself this bad that I couldn't breathe while jogging.  In high school I ran a 6:40 mile, which at 240 lbs is awesome.  I know skinny people who couldn't accomplish that.

Part of the reason I am losing weight is so I can compete again, challenge myself, play with my stepson outside without getting out of breathe.  or playing with my future daughter.  I want to be the role model for m daughter, i didn't want the reason she would become obese.  Both my wife and I have had obesity problems.  She has been there with me through this journey of weight loss.  The only problem is she is pregnant.  But she has been staying healthy with me by doing all the healthy habits I needed for our household.

Anyway.  One of my goals was to be able to play Lacrosse in an adult league somewhere around here (I still haven't found one but I will form one if I have to).

Until then, I need to challenge myself physically so I can keep losing weight.  One of my ways is working out.  But working out at he gym, on the treadmill, on elliptical is very boring.  I need to compete.  With myself or with other people.  So I decided to try go for a run last weekend.  I did it and ran 2.1 miles.  I ran it without stopping.  Without getting out of breathe.  It felt good (even though I was pretty sore the next two days).

I decided I needed to compete with myself.  So I decided that I am going to sign up for a race maybe more later.  But I ran twice last weekend and plan to run every weekend and stick to the gym during the week days.

When I finished on Saturday, I was in tears.  tears of joy.  I have always been a competitive person.  I was fortunate to be good at two sports and play in state championship games.  But last Saturday was a defining moment.  A moment that reminded me how much weight I have really loss.  I basically have lost 6 years o weight gain.  At least.  Could be longer.  I can't remember the time I was in the 280s.  Anyways.  it felt good.  it reminded why i am doing this.  It reminded me I am doing this for me.

So, if you want to join me.  Come out for Shamrock 8k in Virginia Beach on March 16.  I might be the last person to finish but I will finish.  I will enjoy it the whole way too.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


So last week I only lost a half of a pound.  To most that is an accomplishment.  But to me it wasn't at the time.  I think i did pretty good during the week but I did go out and feasted with friends at McCormick and Schmidt's.  It was probably the first time since I started that i actually ate out and gorged.  I didn't really eat too bad but I did have some bread, a salad with bacon and blue cheese and some more awesome stuff.  I also forgot that Valentine's day was during that week so I know that played a part with a little bit of candy.  but I also think my little effort to work out didn't help.  it was cold and rainy most the days i didn't get to go out for a stroll.  I only worked out once too.

So this week I have been pushing myself to be better.  I worked out once and my goal is 3 times.  Plus I have been enjoying the great weather and walking for a half hour each day at work.

But overall I have lost 42 lbs.  Still doing good.  My goal is 50 by my birthday.  I know I can do it.

But I have been enjoying some great recipes from WW.  Here is a recipe for Fried Rice.  Its really good and only 4 points.  It goes well with the Kung Pao Shrimp.  Both amazing.

Anyways, to my next half pound.  It's still an accomplishment.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weight Loss

I started this post to vent about how I was feeling about my parent's divorce, my car accident, and my move to a far away land called North Carolina.  I never really wrote anything other then some very angry and very depressing complaints about how life is terrible, blah blah blah.

I always thought about my name for this site.  it hit me.  I should start using i as a platform to talk about the positives of my new life.  

Most of you know I met the love of my life, Lori and we got married in September 2012.  In September 2013 we found she was pregnant.  We were and are both really excited.  The other big moment in my life came when I promised myself that I would start being healthier after the summer.  This worked hand in hand because I didn't want to be that really fat dad who couldn't even play with their kids.  

In September I resigned up for Weight Watchers.  It is my 3rd attempt.  The first time worked well until I quit two months in.  The second, I think I paid for a month and never showed up again (Didn't help my mom told me my dad was cheating on her right before we were walking into a WW meeting).  This time I wasn't going to quit.  I am not going to lie and say I did this for my wife, my stepson, and shit.  I did this for me.  I decided to change my lifestyle for me.  I decided I don't like being out of breath doing simple tasks.  I did this for myself.  I want to be and do more things in my life than I could the way I was. 

I am not a real "lets celebrate kind of guy" but I have learned through the past 20 weeks of being on Weight Watchers that I do need to celebrate.  But I am pretty excited with the outcomes in my life.  First off, I am way more happy.  Second, my belt needs more loops on the smaller side.  Third, the spot on my bed doesn't look like a greased pig was laying there.  Fourth, I will be able to some of the things I always wanted to when i keep losing weight.

So, to catch up.  My goal is to write once a week.  Talk about my goals, my accomplishments, my obstacles.  Talk about life in general.  I also want to list my accomplishments on here so far.

  • over 40 lbs lost
  • received my 25 lb weight loss coin from WW
  • received my 10% weight loss coin from WW
These are awesome things.  Losing weight and eating healthier are not easier.  Thank god I have a great wife who helps me without me even knowing it until we talk about things like organizing the cabinets so only the healthier items are at eye view.  

Like I said.  This is a game.  This is my life.  I want to win.  I will win.  

Next accomplishment:  45 lbs weightless