Friday, July 4, 2014

#hurricaneartie 'Murica style

So it's Independence Day right now.  MY brother Scott and his family decided to come down to visit to finally meet his niece.  I was lucky enough to me in the waiting room when his daughter was born.  I know my brother has been waiting patiently to meet Avery.  This trip has been planned for a while but clearly the weather gods couldn't be on our sides.  All week the storm has been routed to go just by our house.  Scott and Melissa were freaking out. Worrying if they should even come.  Rest assured they made the right decision and got in last night.  The hurricane actually went over the OBX but shot east to not hit Virginia Beach.

For us, this is just part of living here.  Last year's hurricane went right over our house.  It sounds worst than it really was but it is still something you need to worry about.  It can always go bad.  But I have been really lucky and since I have lived down here I have had two major hurricanes go over my residence.  Once in my apartment, and once in house with my wife.  To Scott and Melissa this is pretty major because they typically only get to watch from afar and see all the crappy TV viewing of over dramatization.  Never do they have the stories of the good local residents helping each other out.

But anyways, It is July 4th and we are relegated to the indoors.  Its a little windy and rainy but overall its fine.  Hopefully my brother and Melissa are calm and we can enjoy our day while all the tourists stay away.  LOL.

I was planned to run this morning but clearly I can't.  No worries.  I ran yesterday and will make up my miles another day.

PS - My brother finally got to meet Avery.  It was great.  The toughest part of living so far away from my family is not being able to have them spend more time with Avery.

Last night we were lucky enough to get great weather.  We grilled out and had a good time spending time together.

Here's a few pictures from the storm and dinner.

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