Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Weight Watchers: A Year in Review

Last summer I decided I wanted to change my lifestyle.  I never thought I would be where I would be today though.  But I knew I wanted to be a healthier dad and husband.  I didn't want to be the biggest guy in the room.  Which I still am but definitely smaller.    I also didn't want to be like my family.  I wanted to live an active lifestyle and be able to do things I really want to do.  I decided I was going to join Weight Watchers again.  This was going to be my third attempt.  The first time went alright but I quit a few months in.  I remember I went from 290 pounds to 270 o somewhere around that.  Then I tried again a year or so later when I wasn't really ready emotionally or physically due to my life and all the things going on.  I do remember I weighed in over 300 pounds.  It was the first time I acknowledged that.  I was really embarrassed and disappointed.  I didn't last long in the program (I remember my mom breaking down and telling me my dad was cheating on her right before one meeting).

I remember talking to my wife last summer and telling her that after the summer was over, I was fully going into Weight Watchers.  I found the local site and meetings and decided to go.  September 18, 2013 was my first meeting.  I weighed in at a whopping 330 pounds.    Way more than I thought and way more than everybody around me thought.  But that number scared the shit out of me.  I had just found out my wife was pregnant and there I was, clinically extremely obese and about to be a father to a newborn.  I couldn't be that.  So I stuck to it.  I had assistance from my wonderful wife +Lori Lambert .  We transitioned easily to making healthier dinners, helping me not look for bad snacks and organizing our fridge and cupboards better.  I never thought I would make a year, but I never thought I would be that fat.

Here is me right before I signed up.  Lori had this picture while we were looking back and it doesn't even look like me.

I took one week at a time, one pound at a time.  I concentrated on just eating better.  It was tough in the start.  I don't recommend starting to diet right before Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years but I did it.  I made adjustments on the fly.  We tried different meals.  I learned what I needed to make me happy and full in the morning.  I learned how important fruits and veggies were.  I learned that eating better doesn't always make you not be able to enjoy the good things like beer, ice cream and pizza.  But you do need moderation.  You do need to pick your poison.  

This past year has been so much fun.  I remember my first 25 pounds, my 10%, my 50 pound, my 75 pound.  I am now actually having the conversation about making lifetime goal weight.  In one year I lost over 82 pounds.  I basically lost a quarter of myself.  But I like to think I basically lost all the beer and food I ate from high school until now.  I am officially ate my high school weight.  Which is crazy and great at the same time.  Oh yeah, in the last year, we also had our beautiful daughter, Avery.  Which by itself is pretty awesome.

I couldn't have done it without my wife +Lori Lambert  and our two wonderful kids.  Without them I wouldn't of been motivated to do this.  I still have work to do but I am much better than a year ago.  I am just one of the great stories of people who have done Weight Watchers.  I hope I can keep it up and keep doing what I am doing.  

In a year I went from not being able to run a mile to training for a half marathon.  I went from running 13 minute miles to running my average of ten years ago of 10 minute miles.  I have run numerous races and have scheduled more.  I am more confident.  Most importantly, I am so much happier.  I am also much more energetic.  I love it.  I need it with a 4 month old.

So, one day, when you read this Avery, I am doing this for you and me.  So I can play with you when your crawling, when you running around our yard, when your playing spots or dancing or cheer leading.  I am doing this for you, your big brother and your mom.  Because I want to live long and enjoy my life with you all.

Thank you all for the support and love.  I look forward to my second year in Weight Watchers (AA for fatties).


  1. So amazing how much progress you have made in a year. Incredible work.

    1. Thanks. Following other great people like you helps.

  2. Steve, First off this blog is a wonderful idea. I am sure your kids one day will enjoy reading all of it. As for your progress, I am very happy for you and proud of you.

    People who do not know or understand what it is to be a Weight Watcher often think we are mindless robots. Debbie and I have built many friendships from Weight Watchers. It is a fact that the majority of the encouragement comes from the members themselves. We look forward to the meetings because we enjoy seeing and talking with everyone, not to mention the breakfast afterward.

    You are an inspiration Steve. We both know that we men are a minority. The men you show yourself to see you as a normal guy who is successfully losing the weight and becoming more active (although I would have to say it seems as though after every race there is a beer to be had). If you can do it, then we have no excuses.

    I am happy we met and have become friends. Stay with it Steve, forever. I know you will find every success you seek.

    Dave Bowman
